Wilson Case, Inc. - 2020 | Strategy sets course for growth

January 10, 2020

Shipping cases by Wilson Case


''The Nebraska MEP with Matt Allmand's experience, helped us to identify the right strategies,
allowing us to work together to become a much more efficient and profitable operation."

Doug Huffaker, Sales Executive

Strategy sets course for growth 

Wilson Case is a top designer and manufacturer of custom and stock shipping cases to meet any requirement from live event production road cases, to athletic equipment, and trade show exhibit cases. Wilson Case is a rural establishment located in Hastings, Nebraska which employs 30 individuals.

 More information available at https://www.wilsoncase.com/


Wilson Case has a very popular line of products with a modern plant featuring an engaged employee group and select investments in automation equipment. The Nebraska MEP conducted a competitive assessment review with the owner and senior management team. The review found many positives, while identifying a need for strategy development to give leadership a clearer vision of their current and future states. Goals and objectives could then be distilled down to the department's process design and the production floor.


Matt Allmand, director of the Nebraska MEP conducted strategy sessions with company leadership over an initial day, followed up by a second session six weeks later. The development of a strategy plan was a three-step process: identify the current state, create a future state and develop steps to bridge the gap. The resulting plan helped Wilson Case set a vision to increase sales, retain existing sales and choose the right investments to make in infrastructure and workforce development.


Wilson Case's alignment to a collaboratively-developed strategy plan has produced an initial $500,000 increase in sales over the previous year, and $100,000 in retained sales. The plan also assisted in the creation of 3 new positions and helped retain 2 existing jobs, while allowing them to invest over $100,000 in new products, processes, equipment and workforce development. They expect further impacts to continue in the future.


$500,000 increase in sales over the previous year
$100,000 in retained sales
2 jobs retained and created 3 new jobs.
$100,000 investment in new products, processes, equipment and workforce development.