Manufacturing Peer Groups
Connect with peers...Build relationships...Identify technology & best practices to accomplish your goals.
Meet with up to 12 fellow C-suite leaders from different companies monthly over a one-year span to learn, discuss, host and tour facilities, and implement manufacturing best practices. One to two leaders from a company may join. No participant substitutions are allowed to sessions in order to advance development of valuable relationships through shared experiences and discussion.

Who is this for?
CEO/Owners through VP of Operations.
The cohort will meet on-site at participant facilities for ten monthly half-day sessions.
Chris Carbaugh
President, Quin Global
“When Matt reached out to me, I had already been looking at several other Executive groups to join. When Matt explained the scope of the group and that it would be manufacturing focused, I was sold. As a young executive, I wanted to surround myself with peers that I would be able to network with when problems arose, and vice versa, be able to help others from my past experience. Matt has done a great job diversifying the group and through the first several months, I think it would be safe to say that each and every member has been able to leverage the group’s knowledge to make their own company a little bit better. I am very excited to continue to build upon this group.”
Kevin Clifton
Production Manager, Eilers Machine & Welding
“Being part of a peer group with like-minded individuals from diverse industries has proven crucial for our continuous improvement efforts. The exposure to different leadership styles and management approaches has significantly broadened my understanding of effective strategies in the industry.”
Travis Berns
Operations Manager, Green Cover Seed
"I have greatly appreciated being apart of this MEP peer group. It has been awesome to not only meet new business leaders in our state but to form relationships that I think can be truly impactful for my future. Our discussions around the table of how to better lead and serve our people have been my favorite part so far. I am grateful to be apart of the group."
Alex Brehmer
President, Brehmer Manufacturing
"Being part of the MEP peer group has been instrumental tool in broadening my perspectives within the manufacturing area. Working at a family business from day one, I have been blindsided from great ideas that the other entrepreneurs in the group have brought light too. Relationships are everything in business; and I am lucky to have peer members that I can call any minute of the day."