Supervisor Development

Job Methods

assembly scene


Supervisor Development uses a dynamic program of hands-on learning and practice, teaching essential skills for supervisors, team leaders, and anyone who directs the work of others. This training is an essential element of Lean and continuous improvement programs around the world including the Toyota Production System.

Job Methods (JM) teaches supervisors how to continuously improve the way jobs are done. Job Methods focuses on your continuous improvement program by building on the skills of the operators and first line leaders (team leaders, supervisors, group leaders). The aim of the program is to produce greater quantities of quality products in less time by making the best use of the people, machines and material currently available. Participants are taught how to break down jobs into their constituent operations. Every detail is questioned in a systematic manner to generate ideas for improvement. New methods are developed by eliminating, combining, rearranging, and simplifying steps in the process.


Delivery Method:

Lecture/Group participation.

Participants will receive training a full training manual; laminated cards with key points

Learning Outcomes

Job Methods
Breakdown the JobQuestion Every DetailDevelop New MethodApply New Method



Participants are strongly urged to take our Job Instruction (JI) workshop as a prerequisite prior to taking
Job Methods.

For more info, please contact: